New Dimensions of the Pineal One Day Workshop
May 3rd from 9am to 6pm Pacific Time
Taught Live via Zoom
This workshop will be recorded and recordings available for two weeks after the workshop for anyone unable to attend live.
This workshop is open to anyone who has taken the ATIH workshop with me in the past.
The world is facing some big challenges right now. There is so much upheaval, division and anger and it may seem like everything is falling apart. Every challenge has gifts within it, inviting us to leap to a higher level that moves through and beyond those challenges.
When I was in Sedona with Drunvalo in October 2024, he was excited as to the potentials of the new information on the pineal that he received to help affect change and assist the world for the better. This is due in part to the Pineal’s ability to give us guidance, broadcast an understanding or state from pineal to pineal (and then those others can broadcast, continuing this outward) and also activate a much more powerful MerKaBa.
The ripple effect of this can be massive!
The pineal gland is part of the ATIH workshop but has also been widely written about in various spiritual traditions.
This workshop is a combination of information and transmissions that I received from Drunvalo in person in Sedona in late October 2024 as well as what I have received through communication with my pineal gland after this opened up at the event.
There are several processes in this workshop that are transmissions that only take a few minutes to do which is part of how this can all fit into a one day workshop.
Here’s some of what we will be exploring in this one day workshop:
- The activation of a completely new MerKaBa through the pineal gland
- How this new MerKaBa can hold vast amounts of energy and how it feels different from the two earlier version of the MerKaBa
- An update on Drunvalo’s next two books
- A major solar event that is likely to occur in the next three to four years and will have a massively positive impact on Human Consciousness
- An original meditative practice to start tapping into and benefiting from this quality of energy now
- The pineal gland’s ability to communicate non-verbally with others
- A process that includes tuning into the exact location of your pineal gland and activate it and then opening up a dialogue with them
- The pineal gland, stem cells, regeneration and healing
- How to access intuitive guidance and assimilate information quickly with the help of your pineal gland
- How the pineal gland can help to shift anything in your consciousness
- How the pineal gland can access light codes and how to use them to help shift any chakra as well as release challenges with the mental, physical or emotional bodies.
- Natural Intelligence (NI) and the difference between it and AI, what it is and its connection to your pineal gland
- A new process to activate the beams and halo and open the third eye
- Three additional beams that can be activated in addition to your existing four
- How to use the beams to shift states of consciousness
- A technique called Superconductive Breathing as a way to generate high levels of energy in the body
I am also offering the following bonuses:
- I have created a 15 page PDF companion to this workshop that summarizes the information as well as the processes from the workshop and most importantly, how to integrate the new tools and practices into your daily life and existing spiritual practices to continue to evolve through this content.
- The video replays will be available for two weeks after the workshop. If you are unable to attend live, I will coordinate a free 30 minute Zoom with you for the live activations.
I have received so many stories from those who have taken this workshop! Everyone seems to be able to feel the new, expanded MerKaBa and are using the same words to describe it that I felt myself when mine activated in Sedona as well as what other participants at Drunvalo’s event had shared! Students have described it as feeling more “human” and “organic” as opposed to the ATIH one which has been described as feeling like a “spaceship” by comparison.
Everyone also has reported being able to have clear communication with their pineal gland and that this is a very different voice and quality of guidance from their Higher Self or intuition. The pineal is able to give very precise and high level guidance which can be especially powerful when times are confusing.
One of the powers of the pineal that we explore is that of transmission/ nonverbal communication and how we can broadcast an awareness or understanding to other people’s pineal gland. Drunvalo excitedly shared the power of this to shift the world for the positive as each person can broadcast and everyone they broadcast to can do the same and so one, creating a ripple effect throughout the world. One student offers physical therapy sessions to differently abled individuals. One client of his who has autism and is nonverbal was able to sync with his pineal and they moved in perfect unison while skiing down the slope!!!
The tuition for this one day workshop is $177
Click Here to Register!
If you have any questions or challenges please don’t hesitate to send me an email at
Love and Light ,