
With over 30 years of dedicated study in Sacred Geometry, Alchemy, and Subtle Energy, I am passionate about exploring and teaching how people can expand their consciousness and capacities through these practices. My journey has led me to write and conduct classes and workshops that range in length from two hours to four days.

I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA and attended Berklee College of Music in Boston where I discovered eastern spirituality through the amazing bookstores they have there.

In 2012 I began studying with Drunvalo Melchizedek who wrote The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Living in the Heart, Serpent of Light and The Mayan Ouroboros.  In 2013 he certified me to teach his work.

One of my key areas of focus is Egyptian Spirituality. I have had the honor of learning from seven physical teachers, each specializing in different aspects of Egyptian spiritual studies, as well as receiving guidance from a number of nonphysical mentors.

Currently, I am excited to be writing a book on Sacred Geometry. This book will delve into the utilization of key Sacred Geometric forms to expand consciousness, foster creativity, and enable deep healing work.

I have completed my advanced certification in Biogeometry, a powerful system developed by Dr. Ibrahim Karim.

I live in Joshua Tree, CA, alongside my amazing wife Michelle, who is an adept Akashic Record Reader. We share our space with our beloved cats and an ever-growing array of native plants.

For more on what Michelle does, you can check out her site here:

Every day I write while enjoying organic fair trade coffee that I roast myself.